Ready Or Not - Gen Z Is Here!
Leading and Leveraging Young Employees
Jamie presents from more than 10 years of research and 30 years teaching and managing multiple generations in the workplace, which is also summarized in her book, The Care and Feeding of Your Young Employee.
Jamie gives a lively and entertaining overview of how and why the younger generations are different, with specific tips to maximize productivity and retention.
By the end of the presentation participants will:
Value the differences younger workers bring
Coach and lead younger workers more effectively
Approach communication and feedback more productively
Evaluate the work of young employees more accurately

Constructive Conversations
Getting Unstuck by Being Supportively Outspoken
In this fun, interactive presentation, Jamie Belinne gives tips for handling those conversations you know you need to have, but you've been avoiding because it seems too difficult or dangerous.
By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:
Recognize where and why you are stuck because you are unwilling or unable to have a difficult conversation, and become comfortable with initiating and conducting those conversations effectively.
Develop a strategy to ask for what you want and need without alienating other people or damaging your brand.
Acknowledge and mitigate the effect of the conversations that are left unspoken.
Practice dialogue techniques designed to make others receptive to your constructive conversation, and practice listening techniques designed to build true understanding and support.

Negotiations for Long-Term Success
Negotiations start with a goal and a relationship, and they should conclude with the goal fulfilled and the relationship strong. Concepts such as principled negotiations, separating positions from interests, psychological anchoring, best alternative to a negotiated agreement, zone of possible agreement, reciprocity, the negotiator’s dilemma and more are presented in a fun and interactive program. Most importantly the presentation teaches how to conduct negotiations in a way that preserves the relationship for more business in the future.
At the end of the presentation participants will have:
Specific instructions and format to prepare for negotiations
Examples of how to open negotiations in different situations
Strategies to redirect or jump-start stalled discussions
Tips for handling hostile negotiators
Standards to know if a negotiated agreement is actually acceptable
Words, phrases and listening tips to keep the process moving
Jamie Belinne has taught The Art of Negotiation to Executive MBAs for nearly a decade and has worked with corporations on negotiations even longer. Her background both as an HR Manager in a large organization as well as a counselor and coach mediating interpersonal issues has given her a unique approach to negotiation, that balances the content of the negotiation with the importance of the relationships involved.

Building on Difference
In this fun, interactive, 4-5 hour training, Jamie Belinne helps participants recognize, embrace, enjoy and leverage how they are different from others.
MBTI, Birkman or Strengths can be used as a starting point with high energy exercises to recognize, embrace and enjoy different workstyles. However, assessments are not necessary. Participants will be able to understand their own workstyles and articulate what they need from others to be successful. They will also be able to recognize and appreciate the workstyles of their co-workers, and have tools to leverage the value these differences bring.
Building on these revelations, participants are then guided through an interactive Constructive Conversations program to put their new knowledge into action with the skills and tools to resolve conflict positively and effectively using constrictive dialogue.